Monday, June 25, 2018

S2KDays 2018 - Day 2

Left Galax around 6:30 this morning, knowing that I had about 9 1/2 hours ahead. I was lucky enough to enjoy some nice weather, and even nicer twisties on US58 through Southwest Virginia. This is the first time I have really tried out all the suspension work that I had completed in the last couple weeks. I was blown away! I had forgotten how this car used to drive, but 140,000 miles and 17 years had taken their toll. The car drove through the tight turns like it was on rails, with never an instance of losing traction. Especially effective were the Ohlin coil-overs which were recommended to me. What a difference!

Unfortunately, after I got into Kentucky, the skies opened up, and I was only able to enjoy a few miles on KY92 before I had to start taking it easy due to slick roads and traffic. One observation: through Southwest Virginia and most of Kentucky, there seems to be a church of one denomination or another every couple of miles, at least. I won't make any political comments here!

I passed by the Corvette plant and museum in Bowling Green, and briefly considered visiting, but since I had been there a few years ago (before the sink hole,) I continued on. About 10 miles outside of Hopkinsville, I spied what I thought was the Washington Monument off to the left side of the highway, so I had to stop, of course. Here is what I saw when I entered the park:

This is the Jefferson Davis Monument near his birthplace in Fairview, KY. It was built between 1917 and 1924, and rises to 351 feet high. Quite impressive, and one can ride the elevator to the top, though I passed on that!

Here is my requisite pic of the S in front of the park entrance:

Finally, my trip stats as of the end of the day:

Tomorrow, Miami OK.

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