Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Day 15 - Medicine Hat, Alberta to Brandon, Manitoba

Trying to catch up on my posts. This was a very, very long day. First of all, I stopped by the local Honda dealer in Medicine Hat to see if I could get an oil change squeezed in, since I was overdue for one. They were very accommodating to me and after a wait of about an hour and a half, I was out the door. Surprisingly, even with Canadian dollars, it was cheaper than I had been paying at my local dealer in Dover, Delaware. With the current exchange rate, it was way cheaper! Let's hear it for the Canucks!

As an aside, while waiting for the oil change, I struck up a conversation with a nice retired gentleman who was also waiting for his car. When he found out I was from the States, his first question to me was, "With 360 million people in your country, is this the best 2 that you could find to run for president?" I have to agree with him. :) Anyway, we had a very nice conversation until my car was complete. I just wonder, how many Americans are as aware of Canadian politics as Canadians are of ours???\

So, after paying the bill, and programming the GPS, it was off to Brandon, Manitoba, on the Trans-Canada Highway 1, a 4-lane road, similar to our Interstates, but with much less traffic. Since this was across the Canadian prairies, I don't have many photos to share, except for the GPS beginning photo and the provincial signs:

Got to check off another province, Saskatchewan: (too bad someone had to deface the sign)

And the third province I had never been to, Manitoba, probably the nicest provincial sign I encountered on the trip:

I have been so fortunate to have had absolutely wonderful weather for the entire trip. I think this was the 3rd day in a row that I was able to travel all day top down!

Ending the day in Brandon, the GPS read this: Oh, I followed its guidance all day today. :)

Note that the readings are all in Metric. After all, we're in Canada!

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