Saturday, July 30, 2016

Day 12 - Austin, Nevada to Boise, Idaho

Wow! Got to check two states off my bucket list today!!!

Started out early, around 7:15, after a nice breakfast at the International Restaurant in Austin, where I got to listen to the locals expounding on their political views. The food was good, though. After checking out of the motel, the GPS told me this:

 Guess there is going to be a Keith Urban concert somewhere up ahead???

Check Oregon off my list: (What a dinky state sign, though!!)

Looking back into Nevada, the first thing you see is, you guessed it, a casino!

 This part of Oregon is just a lot of this (beautiful, but boring):

 Second of the 5 remaining states off my list:

I have to say, Idaho is not what I expected, at least this part. Looks just like eastern Oregon and northeastern Nevada. Came to an overlook a few miles south of Boise, and could see some changes on the horizon:

 The final GPS pic before I went to dinner in Boise:

 As I posted on Facebook, there was a Basque festival going on in downtown Boise, so I went there for dinner. Boise was entirely not what I expected, being nestled against the Rockies (Sorry, no pics---maybe tomorrow) Here are a couple copied from Facebook:

 I had a great dinner here:

 Tomorrow, off for Missoula, Montana! Time for bed.

Day 11 - Torrey, Utah to Austin, Nevada

Today was a sad day for me as I had to leave behind my friends I had travelled with from Durango to Torrey. They were from Arizona, California, British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, and other states which I unfortunately can't remember. I left bright and early before breakfast with the GPS telling me this:

My destination: Austin, Nevada. I must say that from Torrey, Utah to Austin, the scenery is less than inspiring than it was in eastern Utah. Mostly, like this:

Soon, however, I came upon this challenge:

Having successfully completed this challenge, I arrived in Nevada at a combination gas station/restaurant/liquor store/casino.

Pretty sure that the Mormons have a monopoly on everything in Utah, though!

This was my home for the night in Austin:

Sorry, forgot to take the day-ending GPS pic.

Editorial note: As far as I am concerned, and that is after a visit to Vegas and this trip, Nevada can just disappear. I see no reason for its existance, with the possible exception of the Top Gun School about 100 miles west of Austin!

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Day 10 - Durango, Colorado to Torrey, Utah

Today was a group drive with 9 S2000's and 13 participants. We are calling this the "after the meet drive."

This morning in Durango:

Our first stop was at the Natural Bridges National Monument in Utah:

There are three bridges here in viewing range of the circle drive, and here they are in order:

The first, the largest:

The second:

And the third:

On the way to our next park, Capitol Reef, I took these shots out the window, which reminded me of my trip through Monument Valley some 6 years ago:

So, here we are arriving at Capitol Reef National Park:

There are so many absolutely stunning views here, I don't know which to post, but here are a few that I really like:

And tonight in Torrey:

I must say, as much as I love Colorado, the scenery in this part of Utah is nothing short of spectacular.These pictures just do not do it justice.

What a great country we live in!!!!!!!

Lots of miles left to go!!!