Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Day 8 - The Official S2KCA Meet Drive

At 8:00 AM, approximately 45 S2000's, in groups of 8 or so, rolled out of the Holiday Inn parking lot for our initial destination, the Purgatory Ski Area parking lot for our group photo. Somehow, we managed to get the cars into some sort of order, and here are a couple pics:

A couple of the members had their drones taking aerial pictures, and if I can get a copy later, I will post it.

In a moment of weakness, I had volunteered to lead a group of 8 cars in a drive over the "Million Dollar Highway" through Silverton to Ouray and beyond. We had 3 groups: Slow, Not so Slow, and mine, Really, Really Not so Slow. Needless to say, it was exciting at times, especially on stretches of this road with stone cliffs on one side and sheer drops of thousands of feet on the other with no guard rails. Fortunately, we survived with our group intact, and since I was pretty busy driving, only took a couple pics:

However, we did stop at a couple of scenic overlooks, so here are a couple pics from them:

I thought I had taken some pictures in Silverton, but apparently I didn't. Sorry...

After lunch, 6 of us decided to make a long loop drive through Ouray to Telluride then continue on back to Durango. Stopping in Telluride was probably the highlight of the trip for us, as it was completely unplanned. First of all, I had heard not to drive into the town, but to go to the nearby town of Mountain Village and take the free gondola into Telluride, which we did.

Telluride is definitely a town for the "rich and famous," though there were sure a bunch of us tourists there as well. We all wanted some ice cream, and soon found a small ice-cream shop on a side-street and so had an enjoyable visit.

Tonight is our banquet, and tomorrow we all go on our separate ways. There is a group of about 6 or 7 of us who will be heading into Utah, for at least one day, into Capital Reef National Park. Hope to have some more "Travels" to report then!

I did have a great lunch of Fish 'n Chips once again today at the Irish Embassy Pub in downtown Durango. If you ever get there, I recommend you stop in and have lunch and a brew!


  1. great to enjoy the trip vicariously...thanks Gene! Jerry aka paS2K

  2. Gene, I have some Silverton photos.

  3. Great pictures Gene
    Thanks for the write up
    Veronica and Paul
